Alex and Ava Pilot Adventures Private Pilot "Cleared For Takeoff"
Volume 1

Meet Alex and Ava
Alex and Ava friendship blossoms from their passion for aviation. They will go on exciting adventures as different types of pilots and careers in aviation to decide what type of pilot they would like to be.
Alex and Ava would like to introduce you to aviation. Have you dreamed of becoming a pilot or maybe you never thought about aviation because you were not exposed. These series of books will be perfect for your children to explore the different types of careers in aviation.
This first series will be about their adventure as a Private Pilot, get ready to take off with Alex and Ava.

The inspiration behind the book
My son Alexander is a pilot and still on his path to get to his dream job. He told me he wanted to be a pilot at 16 years old, but what if he would have been able to find a career book as a younger child about the various careers in aviation, maybe that desire would have been awakend earlier so I wrote this book to help introduce aviation to children at an early age which can put them on their path earlier which can help them obtain scholarships, internships and flight experience before graduating high school. My passion is to help as many youth as I can reach their aviation goals.
Alex and Ava Hobbies
Each character is unique and has their own personality.
Alex and Ava have their own hobbies outside of aviation, get to know them in these series of books. Alex loves hockey, designing roller coasters, Jamaican food, listening to music. Find out what type of pet Alex has.
Ava loves to play the cello, loves colors, baking,she is very creative. Find out what type of pet Ava has.
Join Alex and Ava on their aviation adventure as they navigate school, friendship and career aspirations.